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Covid-19 at

Horsepower Hairdressing

As we are all too aware the Covid-19 virus has caused the human race to come to a stand still. To get us moving again, many hurdles have to be overcome and the beauty industry, by it's very nature, is one of the most challenging environments to get back on it's feet.


As with many industries, the official guidelines, rules and laws are unclear, however it is very simple to understand that general common sense, respect and awareness allows us to trade again.

One of the most significant changes to our daily operation will be the decrease in walk-in trade. We have operated as a traditional walk-in barbers from the beginning and are sad to limit this service, however it is extremely necessary to reduce numbers within the salon itself.


Booking appointments can be made by telephone on 01895 251 297. If you arrive at the shop unannounced, you will be greeted at the door as normal and will have our operations explained to you. If we can accommodate a walk-in service, we will, but please be aware our appointment system is taking absolute precedence.


To ensure everyone's safety in the Horsepower Hairdressing Salon, we have reduced the number of chairs in operation, made appointment times longer to allocate for cleaning the work areas and developed the guide displayed below. This guide is displayed at the Salon for reference.


Finally, to exaggerate some of the illustrations below, please read the following to prepare for your appointment:


  • Please attend your appointment on time. Early is as difficult as late, so please try and get as "on the dot" as you can.

  • Please attend your appointment on your own. Exceptions are for children and adults in need of assistance

  • Please come with clean, PRODUCT FREE hair. This really increases our efficiency.

  • Please come with the means to pay. We are still cash only and would urge you to come with payment, rather than the need to leave and return.

  • Masks and gloves are mandatory in the shop. We will have complimentary, disposable PPE available, but would encourage you to bring your own.

  • Guidance states that shop facilities should not be used by members of the public, so please note that our toilet facility and general refreshments are, unfortunately, no longer available. Feel free to bring your own refreshments, which we would encourage to be sealable bottles as opposed to disposable cups.

  • When in the shop, we are doing our best to social distance. We ask that you be aware of any instruction given to you and give us a little more patience to fulfil your service.


Any questions or advice, please call the salon and we will do our best to provide answers.


If you are struggling to meet the salon systems and need a specialist appointment please have a look at our extended services page here.

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